Tuesday, November 29, 2016

COUNTING CHANGE --- Money Mat and Overlay

Does your child or a student in your class struggle to participate meaningfully when you start talking about counting change and skip counting? Here is a great solution for any student (all students) who need a quick and easy way to follow along, actively participate, and LEARN to count mixed change!!

This was created to help my daughter who is in second grade. She hasn't mastered skip counting yet (she's still working on that, but in order to grasp counting change, she needs an adaptive tool to help her along). This will cut down on the amount she has to count out loud (counting to 25 for each quarter can really slow you down, when the rest of the class knows to skip straight to 25, then to 50, etc. These interchangeable puzzle pieces lay over the money mat (See below) created by Sparkling in Second.

First, head on over to Sparkling in Second to check out her awesome blog and download her free Money Mat! (You will need that for this activity!!-- so Seriously, Head on over there! Don't worry, it'll open a new tab so you wont need to find your way back here after you download it!)

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Common Core Reading Second Grade- Modifications

These stories have been modified to incorporate the 10 Scavenger Hunt Sentences most teachers use during instruction. They provide students with simplified text, larger print, and less words. Students are able to read independently or with assistance. They can carry on full discussions with the class regarding the stories. These edited versions help alleviate stress and confusion caused all of the less crucial "filler text". They also help the student get through the story-- (especially helpful with kids who don't like to sit too long or lose focus sooner than their peers).

Click the Purple Titles to visit my FREE Scribd page for Downloads.

A Weed is a Flower Supplemental Material
Flashcards                                           Flipbook/ Strips