Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Medical Necessity to sit your butt down and shut up

I apologize... it is late and I am in a yelling- "I'll use caps locks a lot to really get my point across" mood.

I have to say this since I don't have the opportunity to drive my butt to congress' door nor do i have the ability to stand outside picketing (I'm a mother you see). I'm not one to voice my opinion on Abortion-- I would never have one, I know few who have and I do not spite them. I personally think regulation and TRUE information about the pain they cause to the fetus and to the parents/family both physically and emotionally need to be explicit stated before Informed Consent could be reached, but those who don't want their baby would resort to more harmful practices  <----<-- my two cents worth

With that said.. bring on the rant: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ---- SCREW THIS MEDICAL NECESSITY SHIT. CP/ Down syndrome/ Etc..... LIFE OR DEATH I get.... DISABILITY---- NO, NEVER should a society.. a government.. its people practice selection of birth to those whom are "Perfect"... nobody is perfect. Your kid could wreck, do drugs, kill people, be killed, die young, die old, hate you, bully others, etc etc.... IT IS LIFE.... I LOVE MY DAUGHTER WITH MY WHOLE HEART and it is high time policy makers didn't listen to stupid people whom have never been in our shoes.. or pussied out and wanted their "normal" pot smoking/ emo kid on their second try. THESE ARE CHILDREN... NOT DAMAGED GOODS... THERE IS NO RETURN COUNTER... ABORTION IS NOT A CHANCE TO TRY AGAIN. IT IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE THE DEATH OF AN INNOCENT CHILD. A painful, barbaric, inhumane euthanasia of a child with a beating heart ready to come into this world and trust that one (or two) people who sadly wish it gone.

DO NOT USE MY DAUGHTER AND OTHER CHILDREN WITH HER CHROMOSOME COUNT AS YOUR SCAPEGOAT TO WIN THIS "DEBATE".  I was never, not once, in my entire pregnancy at risk of losing my life. My daughter had the most common heart defect know to scientists and was patched up in under 4 hours, healed in less than 6 weeks. ------- My life is tough because I am a MOM, not because of what diagnosis my child has. If you have time for a "typical" child.. you have time to be the parent you were given the chance to be to a child with a disability. SOCIETY MUST CHANGE SO NEW/PROSPECTIVE PARENTS DO NOT FEAR DIFFERENCE>> THEY FEAR LOSS (plain and simple) Abortion=loss.

Rather than getting up on your soap box and preaching about how we must still have ways to kill babies with Down syndrome; TALK to US. We are here. We are your friends, your neighbor, friends of friends, what have you. We tend to travel in packs on Facebook, find one of us and you'll find a heck of a lot more. Ask us how "terrible" and "tragic" our lives are. Ask us if we regret Not aborting. Ask us if we would change our child in any way.

Our lives are blessed, wonderful, full, happy, and at times stressful (aren't all parent's though). We have no regrets about our bravery to face this world as proud parents, to stand up for our children when articles like US weekly come out. We wouldn't change our children for the world, but we WILL change the world for them. Our kids Rock!!! --- Before you continue to judge our lives, especially our children, please join us for a chat.... Our families are really much more alike than different than anyone else's. We are not super parents, or have some unnatural moral compass that enables us to take pity for our unborn child. We did not look past their diagnosis and say "I'm such a great person I can manage this extremely difficult life"-- God did not choose us because we are somehow more "right" for this child. We trusted in our hearts that if our child made it through the pregnancy that we too would look into the eyes of our newborn and fall instantly in love and in awe of their beauty.

***I will tell you though it is true-- receiving the diagnosis was one of the hardest days of my life, I was scared. Scared that she would not amount to anything, scared that I may not love her like a mom should, scared that society would be evil and cruel and Make her suffer------ These are all thoughts instilled upon me from interactions in our society, they were taught to me, I was conditioned to believe them..... BUT I fought them. I trusted in my self and my daughter more than I let stereotypes and myths guide me. Those negative feelings lasted for about an hour (for me)-- others can have fear for days, weeks, or months. Some families cannot bear to shake them (but that is okay, there are waiting lists of loving families willing to adopt those children when the biological parents just can't shake the negativity the world had filled their hearts with long before the child was conceived. This is why WE MUST CHANGE as a society. WE MUST ACCEPT EVERY MEMBER. We must STOP teaching the children in America to dislike others, to think less of others, to value plainness and average.

 WE MUST STOP striving for "Normal" --- Normal does not exist, it was created in 1850's by a French statistician Adolphe Quetelet using a theory developed by astronomers to plot stars. Seriously... society is that vain that we will listen to some French guy (Notice the name-- ADOLPHE *we all know how listening to Adolfs have "served us all so well") using a mathematical equation to plot stars to plot out "normal" characteristics in humans. L'homme Moyen (the average man) was calculated by plotting man's characteristics then averaging out the "errors" or deviations. The goal was to have the least amount of "errors" ----- never did this man consider that those "errors" make us who we are, they are actually what make us Perfect, they make us unique and special. We all have our flaws---- it is time everyone started counting their own flaws and stopped counting the flaws of those around them.

*Thank you to NDSC for their quote which I deviated only slightly from "We are more alike than different"
*Feel free to read more about Quetelet in (Porter 1986, 102) or in (Davis 2013, 2).

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